Burnett Inland Region Agritourism Field Day
Are you a farmer or producer thinking about diversiying and value-adding, based in the Burnett Inland region?
Regionality is headed to Moffatdale Ridge at Murgon on Thursday 13 June for an information day with producers, ready to speak about the opportunities to diversify and innovate farm businesses, and how to create new income streams to future proof your enterprise.
The field day will be run by Regionality in partnership with Burnett Inland Economic Development Organisation (BIEDO) and will outline agritourism and agri-food innovation opportunities for businesses, both on-farm and beyond the farm gate, including:
- exploring options for leveraging farm assets and/or current production
- investigating ideas for diversification or value adding
- developing new pathways to market
- potential for tapping into the visitor economy
- brand development.
Field Day participants will also be eligible to apply to participate in Regionality’s Agritourism Business Development program as part of BIEDO’s delivery of Phase Two of its Flavours of the Burnett – Building a food destination project which has attracted funding from both the Australian and Queensland Governments.
The details:
Date: 9am – 1pm, Thursday 13 June
Cost: $25 + booking fee
Location: Moffatdale Ridge, 681 Barambah Road, Murgon
Registration: Click here.